WebTV DrinkUp 2

Entrepreneur, London, New Media, One Alfred Place, WebTV

We had a great turnout for the 2nd WebTV Group DrinkUp on Feb 18th. About 55 people made it over to One Alfred Place and judging by the noise level everyone was having a great time. As well as welcoming people from the BBC, ITV.com and The Embassy of Finland (!) we also had our first major deal brokered that night. It’s under embargo at the moment but as soon as I can tell you more I will!

Many thanks to Bill Gash for his support on this one and to Sorosh Tavakoli CEO of our drinks sponsors Videoplaza.com. They showed off their online video monetisation system on the in house plasma to much interest. We all enjoyed the Swedish themed lucky business card dip (which I suspect was envisaged in the duty free shop at Stokholm departures lounge when they got snowed in and we had to cancel this the first time!) Congratulations to the winner of the limited edition red sequined bottle of Vodka and the other Swedish goodies in the draw.

Thanks also go to the staff at One Alfred Place who ensured everyone didn’t go without a drink and provided tours and answered questions on the club.

The next one will be in May and if you haven’t joined the group yet click here and you’ll get an invite as soon as we’ve set it all up. Many thanks to everyone who came along and I look forward to welcoming more new faces at the next one.

WebTV MeetUp 2

Advertising, Business, London, Music Industry, New Media, One Alfred Place, Social Media, Twitter, WebTV

Well goodbye #uksnow the WebTV DrinkUp is back on for the 18th! Do register here and please click on the RSVP so we know how many of you are coming.

The event is held at the very wonderful One Alfred Place and drinks are sponsored by our friends at Videoplaza.com. They are also giving away a bottle of Swedish Vodka to the winner of the business card draw. So bring lots of cards and look out for the goldfish bowl on your way in.

It’s an informal format – there will be a short introduction from Sorosh Tavakoli the Videoplaza CEO and some screens available for you to experience their system. The rest of the evening is for networking and making new friends. Feel free to Tweet this to your friends and colleagues who would like to attend.

A resounding “Cheers” also goes to Bill Gash from Partners in TV who secured us our sponsor.


Stephen Fry Apple Store Talk

Blogging, Devon, London, New Media, One Alfred Place, Social Media, Twitter

I arrived at Paddington station on my usual Monday 9.30 from Newton Abbot to find London had ground to a halt. A wonderful winter wonderland – unless you lived south of the river and were trying to get into town. As a result the Stephen Fry talk at the Apple Store was postponed as was the Tuesday night WebTV DrinkUp sponsored by our friends at Videoplaza.com.

This of course worked out well for me as the Fry talk was re-arranged for the Tuesday night. I left One Alfred Place and braved the icy winds blowing down Oxford Street and was amazed to be able to walk straight in at 6.30pm! I guess many who made it into work that day decided not to risk the potential train fail that evening and called it an early night.

Mr. Fry was impressive. Not only entertaining an audience of around 150, mainly 20-30yr olds, with an encyclopedic knowledge of computing history but sharing many personal stories along the way. One that particularly stood out was allegedly showing Peter Mandelson his first website in 1997. 1997! Perhaps he was too busy swanning around on Yachts and in Greek Taverna’s before then…

He recounted numerous other stories which I won’t divulge as the Podcast is available here so you don’t need any spoilers from me. Though do listen out for my question “What Would Oscar Wilde have thought of Twitter?” which received an enthusiastic and somewhat detailed response. All in all it was an informative and amusing event, presented by a master of delivery and eloquence so do check it out.

He went on to party at Paramount with a coterie of fans but it all ended up rather pear shaped, with an ending that if it had been scripted you wouldn’t have believed it. Put it this way if you get invited there don’t take the lift.

What amused me even further was the hilarious and inspired viral marketing Tweet that went out to followers of a certain Aleksandr Orlov who posted a picture entitled “Me with Mr Stephen Fry in a lift. Stuck, stuck, stuck…” brillant but “simples”!